
Living in the Spirit: Drawing Us to God Sending Us to the World is unavailable, but you can change that!

Don’t be content with memories of past encounters with the Spirit. You can walk in the fullness of God today. This collection of perspectives from General Superintendent George Wood reaffirms the truths, values, and commitment that inspired our Pentecostal forefathers with penetrating insight and practical instruction for living in the Spirit today. With a faithfulness to our Fellowship’s...

experience in coming to Christ, and from the Bible itself, that even the happiest non-Christian endures a void, an emptiness, an aching only Christ can fill. Uniquely, Christian joy—the fruit of joy—begins with our salvation. In talking about salvation in Luke 15, Jesus told the stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. Why? Because these figures of speech spoke of salvation. Our Heavenly Father rejoices over us when we are saved. It’s a time for joy. One of the dimensions of joy
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